Dr. Huang Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic was founded by experienced TCM doctor Xiaotie Huang. A respected doctor and an expert in herbal medicine, acupuncture and massage; Dr Huang is a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner and a certified ATCM member. He works with assistant Mrs.Liu in running the clinic.
Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal therapy involves the use of natural plants and minerals. Each has its own characteristics and particular medical use to treat diseases, helping to restore the body to its normal physiological functions. Herbal therapy must be given by qualified TCM practitioners (such as Dr.Huang himself), who conducts a diagnostic interview before making perscriptions.
Acupuncture works through stimulating the body's healing responses or immune system. Their effectiveness in treating different diseases, have been learnt through observation. In recent years these actions have been systematically refined and verified by modern scientific research methods.
Massage is a vital part of TCM, utilised to cure pain help soothe the mind and improving blood flow. Chinese medicine massage is different from normal massage in that the mian focus is to cure and complement acupuncture therapy rather than just providing temporary comfort. Anmo (the Chinese word for massage) is one of the most developed methods of physio-threapy in the world.